Create your very own NFT via Cocos-BCX MainNet in 7 simple steps!

The crypto community is now slowly embracing the NFT (Non-Fungible Token) fever. It has been part of the crypto ecosystem for a few years now but it’s only this year that it certainly got huge attention from almost each corner of the crypto community.

So without further ado, below are 7 simple easy steps on how you can create your very own NFT via the Cocos-BCX MainNet.

  1. Simply open the terminal tool. (Link: and log-in to your Cocos-BCX MainNet account.
  2. Select [Toolkits]-[Developer Helper] then click the 2nd button on the upper left corner to log in to the COCOS MainNet account again. NOTE: The login process will be in Chinese, so remember, the first blank is for account, then the second one is for password.

3. Click 【开发者权限】-【注册开发者】-【立即注册】,this translates to [developer permission]-[developer registration]-[register immediately].

Find the 6th one on the list and click first one in the row ,you will see a white button then click on that.

4. Click【世界观创建】-【输入世界观名字】-【确认创建】,this translates to [worldview establish]-[enter worldview name]-[confirm establish]

Find the 6th one in the list and click second one in the row ,which is just one after 3rd step.

5. Open Asset Manage and then click the [Add] button in the upper right corner to create an NFT template.

6. Fill out the Category name, Worldview, Thumbnail Links. This is the part of the step which is entirely up to you. Be creative. Once done, click the OK button. It will turn out to be successful once everything you filled in is good.

7. After that, you’ll be able to see the NFT in Template Market(it’s an auto page after your previous successful step). Click[Production], enter production amount to complete the NFT release, then press Confirm. There you go, your very own NFT via the Cocos-BCX MainNet!

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Cocos BlockChain Expedition’, aims to create an integrated multi-platform runtime environment for games.