Be a COCOS-BCX Promoter!

Promoters are key factors to a a projects forward success. Most often than not, it is the promoters who triggers series of events for a certain project depending on how well they promote it.

By becoming a Cocos-BCX promoter, you are solely responsible for inviting other users to join in and get to know what Cocos-BCX is all about. The steps are fairly plain and simple. Check the step-by-step details below on how you can become a Cocos-BCX promoter.

  1. Simply enter the COCOS World
  2. Click【Connect Wallet】

3. After connecting your wallet successfully, Click【Referral】

4. After that, kindly enter your user name. The following rules should be followed when creating a username.

  • Must be unique
  • Letters can only be lowercase
  • Not just numbers
  • Do not start with 0x
  • Have at least 1 character
  • Maximum length is 32 characters
  • Allowed characters: a-z, 0–9
  • No modification after submission.

5. Once you have successfully created a unique username, feel free to copy your “exclusive invitation link” and share it across your social media platforms.

6. Once the promotional activity finishes, the commission obtained will be displayed on your page. If you want to withdraw, click the [Withdraw Now] button to withdraw.

The Cocos-BCX Promoters program started last 25th of January and will last indefinitely.

About Cocos-BCX PH Community

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CocosBCX Filipino Community (Official)

Cocos BlockChain Expedition’, aims to create an integrated multi-platform runtime environment for games.